This year, the 2013 award, known as the Krambeck Award, was awarded to both a Missouri Individual and a Missouri organization.
The individual honored for 2013 is Leslie Jordon, an MCQC founding member who passed away in December 2012 after a long and courageous battle with cancer.

On Saturday October 26, 2013, the Missouri Coalition for Quality Care presented the 2013 Krambeck Award to Mrs. Leslie Jordon. Mrs. Jordon devoted her life to ensuring that the elderly received the quality care and respect that they deserve. Mrs. Jordon worked for the former Missouri Division of Aging and was a co-founder of the Missouri Coalition for Quality Care. She passed away in December of 2012 after a long battle with cancer.
Accepting the award were her two granddaughters: Annalee and Mia Rintoul. Presenting the award to them is Ms. JoAnne Morrow, MCQC Board member and close friend of Mrs Jordon. In the second photo with Mia and Annalee are Hank and Phyllis Krambeck for whom the award is named. |

On June 17, 2013, MCQC honored the Northwest Area Agency on Aging. This agency is a planning and service agency that is charged under the Older Americans Act with identifying and meeting the needs of older adults who are at least 60 years of age in the 18-county area in northwest Missouri. Its staff and volunteers seek to empower and provide older adults of Northwest Missouri the opportunity to live safe, healthy, independent lives in the home environment of their choice.
The Northwest Area Agency on Aging is providing valuable assistance to a large rural section of Missouri where the needs of senior residents is great. Without the services of this agency, the quality of live for seniors would be diminished. Because the goals of MCQC are to improve the quality of care and quality of life experienced by not only nursing facility residents, but also in-home care and residential people, the Missouri Coalition for Quality Care President Dave Damico was pleased to present the Krambeck Award to the agency’s Board Chair, John Murphy, and its director, Becky Flaherty.